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Hire Top Talent in Under 30 Days

Topic: contingent staffing Hire Top Talent in < 30 days  } 5 minute read By Ian C. Tomlin Want to fill vacancies in under 30 days? Newsflash: finding temps/contractors through agencies is slow, expensive and doesn’t work. There’s a better way; an approach...

What is a Master Vendor?

} 5 minute read There are many types of partner relationship open to companies looking to source talent. The talent industry is awash with three letter acronymns to describe the various flavours—MSP, RPO, PPO, EoR… Master Vendor is another option. But what is it, and...

Direct Sourcing Benefits

3-minute read 2022 and the buzz about Direct Sourcing is getting noisy According to Staffing Industry Analysts, 26% of US businesses today use direct sourcing and 41% plan to seriously consider it within the next two years. That’s because—so they say—it’s proven to...