COVID-19: Business Crisis or Opportunity?
Get to know Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic process automation is a type of business process automation technology based on the use of software that mimics the behaviors of humans to process and share data.
What is Agile Codeless?
Agile Codeless is a software development life-Cycle (SDLC) approach that embraces codeless authoring tools and methods to produce enterprise apps
What is No-Code Software?
Codeless software is a type of enterprise computing platform used to design, deploy and operate software apps without the use of, or visual presence of code
What is a HPaPaaS – and do you need one?
HPaPaaS stands for ‘high productivity application Platform as a Service’ – a platform that provides app designers with tools to build enterprise apps fast.
A wireframe is a visual representation and skeletal framework of a web application. Wireframes are used to help applications designers, users and stakeholders to come together.
Rapid Application Development
Rapid-application development (RAD) is a term used to describe any form of adaptive approach that speeds up the process of creating and deploying software applications.
No-lo code software (‘lo-no software’)
Lo-no code software (‘lo-no software’) is a short-hand description for low-code or no-code software development methods and tools.
Explaining enterprise software development life-cycle
Software development is the process of scoping, designing, deploying, documenting, testing, and tuning software applications.’
Data Integration
Data Integration is a term used to describe a collection of methods, tools and technologies used to connect more than one data source together, normally for the purpose of sharing, consuming or serving information.
How safe is your enterprise application platform?
Data security means protecting digital data, such as those in a database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of unauthorized users, such as a cyberattack or a data breach.
From Business Intelligence to a Data-Drive Culture
Business Intelligence describes the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the analysis of business information.
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